Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini

cgdream 发表于 2021-9-27 13:03:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
模块: 建模 
软件: Houdini 
讲解: 英文+无字幕
播放时长: 15小时
版权: 本资源来自互联网,仅供学习交流
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Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA


本课程将深入研究 Houdini 中的程序建模; 在整个课程中,学生将深入了解如何使用程序主义来创建强大的建模工作流程。 我们将探索用于创建程序资产的各种概念,每节课都有一个成品来展示那一周的原则。 我们将学习如何组织您的工作流程并创建艺术家友好的界面以实现可重用性。 我们将一起创建几个具有完全程序控制的完成模型资产。
This course will be an in-depth look into procedural modeling in Houdini; throughout the course, students will gain a strong understanding of how proceduralism can be used to create powerful modeling workflows. We will explore a variety of concepts used to create procedural assets, with each lesson having a finished product demonstrating the principles of that week. We will learn how to organize your workflows and create artist-friendly interfaces for reuseability. Together, we’ll create several finished model assets with fully procedural controls.

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

Houdini建筑、植物建模教程 - Procedural Modeling for Production in Houdini - CGMA

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参与人数 1梦盾 +2 收起 理由
mygameplay + 2 神马都是浮云


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jixiang1984 发表于 2023-10-2 19:26:57 | 显示全部楼层
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Panda520 发表于 2022-6-3 21:43:39 | 显示全部楼层
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DP4587 发表于 2022-4-2 20:30:41 | 显示全部楼层
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Panda520 发表于 2022-2-26 08:50:17 | 显示全部楼层
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smallbaby 发表于 2021-12-5 18:20:29 | 显示全部楼层
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yang67 发表于 2021-12-4 01:22:24 | 显示全部楼层
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vanzr 发表于 2021-12-4 00:03:31 | 显示全部楼层
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gytfsj 发表于 2021-11-9 12:19:09 | 显示全部楼层
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lxs01240316 发表于 2021-11-4 08:36:22 | 显示全部楼层
Kindness is often misunderstood: kindness gives tolerance, but it is regarded as weakness; Kindness gives people kindness, but it is regarded as hypocrisy; Kind and honest, but regarded as a loser; Kindness is cautious, but it is regarded as conservatism. Even so, kindness is still calm without losing its original intention and calm without losing its true color. It believes in its own choice and naturally wants to maintain its own dignity.
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ycylxz 发表于 2021-11-3 12:55:23 | 显示全部楼层
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muxunyi513915 发表于 2021-11-3 09:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
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哈哈-2021 发表于 2021-11-1 10:17:16 | 显示全部楼层
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梦幻眼VFX 发表于 2021-10-29 21:13:41 | 显示全部楼层
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哈哈-2021 发表于 2021-10-29 09:33:24 | 显示全部楼层
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