SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
通过 Jean-Michel Bihorel 的这个中级教程,了解如何使用 SpeedTree 和 Houdini 生成外观复杂的树。从简单的生成规则开始,然后深入到 SpeedTree 和 Houdini 中更高级的树生成领域,Jean-Michel 教授生成英雄树资产所需的每一步——非常适合在电影中使用。
Discover how to generate complex-looking trees using SpeedTree and Houdini, with this intermediate-level tutorial by Jean-Michel Bihorel. Starting from simple generating rules before deep-diving into more advanced areas of tree generation in SpeedTree and Houdini, Jean-Michel teaches every step needed to generate a hero tree asset — perfect for use in a cinematic.
在整个研讨会中,Jean-Michel 分享了如何创建由程序生成器扩展的手绘分支的混合,以及如何使用网格力来获得逼真的结果。他还揭示了如何在 Houdini 中设置和导出叶子作为点云,以便管理更优化的设置,以及基于太阳方向对叶子几何生成和放置的强大程序控制。
Throughout the workshop, Jean-Michel shares how to create a mixture of hand-drawn branches extended by procedural generators, as well as how to use the mesh forces for realistic results. He also reveals how to set up and export a leaf as a point cloud in Houdini in order to manage a more optimized setup, as well as great procedural control over the leaf geometry generation and placement based on the direction of the sun.
对于那些不想将树资源导出到 Houdini 的人,Jean-Michel 还提供了将树导出到其他软件(在本例中为 Maya)的指导,以及如何让着色器在其他软件包中工作的建议。
For those that don’t want to export their tree assets to Houdini, Jean-Michel also provides guidance for exporting your trees into other software — in this case, Maya — along with advice for how to get your shaders working in other software packages.
By the end of this tutorial, you should feel comfortable generating a variety of trees growing from any surface, including growing a variety of other vegetation from trees as well. You will also develop a solid understanding of how to deal with importing and exporting your assets between software.
虽然这不是入门级教程,但您无需成为 SpeedTree 专家即可学习。
While this is not an introductory-level tutorial, you are not required to be a SpeedTree expert in order to follow along.
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon
SpeedTree制作逼真的树模型教程 - Creating High-Resolution Custom Trees Using SpeedTree - Gnomon