Houdini高级爆炸视觉特效教程 - Advanced Explosion FX - Rebelway
Houdini 已成为视觉特效的首选工具。 谁掌握了它的力量,谁就无法阻挡。 唯一的缺点是 Houdini 很难学习,而且学习曲线很陡。 在这个 VFX 课程中,您将学习如何从头到尾创建高度逼真的核爆炸镜头和各种其他爆炸类型。
Houdini has become the go-to tool in the FX industry. Whoever wields its power is unstoppable. The only downside is Houdini can be difficult to learn and the learning curve is steep. In this VFX course, you will learn how to create a highly realistic nuclear explosion shot and various other explosion types from beginning to end.