Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
通过这个终极介绍,了解如何为您的游戏模型烘焙完美的地图。 在“纹理烘焙简介”结束时,您将了解如何烘焙您会遇到的各种专业模型。 从小型独立工作室到大型 AAA 制作,每个游戏工作室都在使用您将学习的技术。
Learn how to bake flawless maps for your game models with this ultimate introduction. By the end of Introduction to Texture Baking, you’ll know how to bake every kind of model you’ll encounter professionally. The techniques you’ll learn are used by every game studio, from small indie studios to big AAA productions.
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals
Substance Painter纹理烘焙教程 - Introduction to Texture Baking - FlippedNormals