ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
探索如何从一个概念中创建一个制作就绪的风格化角色,并提供将最终结果作为高质量组合作品呈现的提示。Carol Cornils展示了她塑造个性化风格人物的完整过程,并分享了她将传统艺术概念应用到3D工作流程中的方法。她还提供了个人建议,帮助你的角色在作品集中脱颖而出。
Discover how to create a production-ready stylized character from a concept, complete with tips for presenting the final result as a high-quality portfolio piece. Carol Cornils reveals her complete process for sculpting stylized characters with personality and shares her methods for applying traditional art concepts to her 3D workflow. She also offers her personal advice for helping to make your characters stand out in your portfolio.
这是一个中级研讨会,希望了解ZBrush、Maya和Substance Painter的一些知识。对于那些刚接触方块的人来说,Caros更清楚地分享了她自己的过程,让初学者跟随。
This is an intermediate-level workshop that expects some knowledge of ZBrush, Maya, and Substance Painter. For those new to blocking in characters, Caros shares her own process more clearly for beginners to follow along.
本研讨会包括Carol如何利用Zremesher和拓扑创建清晰干净的表面,以及如何使用简单的UV创建几何毛刷。她还与Substance Painter分享了她自己的材料混合技巧,以使风格化的人物更有说服力。
This workshop includes how Carol utilizes Zremesher and topology to create crisp and clean surfaces, as well as how to create geometry hair brushes with easy UVs. She also shares her own material-mixing techniques with Substance Painter for convincing stylized characters.
Throughout the workshop, Carol reveals the methods and shortcuts that she uses in her daily workflow to find and unleash the appeal in character designs. Her helpful tips can also be applied to other modeling styles. By completing this workshop, you should have developed some techniques and shortcuts that can help to speed up your own character design and creation workflow.
Carol在这个研讨会上提供了几个文件,包括blocked phase Monkey、具有1k纹理集的生产模型,以及她用于烘焙的高拓扑版本;您还可以找到一个Maya文件,其中包含她用于渲染的着色器设置。这些文件旨在让您有机会研究Carol的选择,并帮助您解决自己工作中的问题。
Carol is providing several files with this workshop, including the blocked-phase Monkey, the production model with 1k texture sets, and the high-topology version that she uses for baking; you’ll also find a Maya file with the shader setup that she uses for rendering. These files are designed to give you the opportunity to study Carol’s choices and help you troubleshoot your own work along the way.
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...
ZBrush和Maya制作风格化角色3D模型教程 - Creating Stylized Characters for Production - The Gnomon Work ...