Mocha路径追踪特效教程 – Introduction to Mocha Pro - FXPHD
虽然跟踪和旋转被认为不是排字师生活中最迷人的部分,但它们对你的拍摄工作仍然至关重要。Mocha Pro已经成为平面跟踪的行业标准有一段时间了。本课程旨在教授平面跟踪的基础知识,同时为会员提供生产级拍摄,以学习和提高这些技能。
While tracking and roto are not considered the most glamorous part of a compositor's life, they both are still vital to making your shot work. Mocha Pro has been the industry standard for planar tracking for quite a while now. This course aims to teach the foundations of planar tracking while at the same time providing members with production-level shots to learn and improve these skills.
Christoph Zapletal是一位自由职业的火焰与核艺术家,在该行业工作了二十多年。他的专长之一是美容和润饰。除此之外,他还是SAE Institute的讲师,也是《数字制作杂志》的经常撰稿人。
Christoph Zapletal is a freelance Flame and Nuke artist and has been working in the industry for a little over twenty years. One of his specialties is beauty work and retouching. Beyond that, he is an Instructor at SAE Institute and a frequent contributor to Digital Production Magazine.