定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer

cgdream 发表于 2024-3-20 20:55:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
模块: 建模 材质 贴图 灯光 
软件: Maya VRay Substance Designer 
讲解: 英文+无字幕
播放时长: 2小时57分钟
版权: 本资源来自互联网,仅供学习交流
下载链接: 点击查看 【注意:先查看链接是否有效,有效再购买密码;失效请加微信:284487540申请更新】


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Substance定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop


在Substance 3D Designer软件中模拟定格动画风格的贴图材质,不需要负责的节点或者程序相关知识,后期也可以导入其他三维软件进行调节。

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sLsZF8YyqTY2lTXVWGddRA?pwd=e6cw
提取码: e6cw

Substance 3D Designer的技术界面可能会让创意艺术家望而却步。在这个3小时的研讨会上,Christopher Barischoff将指导您在Substance 3D Designer中构建强大的程序材料,这些材料可以在Maya、Blender、Cinema 4D或任何其他支持Substance插件的软件包中实时调整和自定义。
Substance 3D Designer’s technical interface can be daunting for creative artists. In this 3-hour workshop, Christopher Barischoff guides you through building powerful procedural materials in Substance 3D Designer, which can be adjusted and customized live within Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D, or any other package that supports the Substance plugin.

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop


定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

Christopher covers creative-friendly techniques for creating a lifelike felted material without the need for coding, fur systems, or complex expressions. Your procedural .subsar file will tile seamlessly and allow the flexibility you need to apply it to any asset using exposed parameters. Christopher’s goal is to help demystify Substance’s powerful procedural materials to allow you to use them to your advantage.
Included with this workshop are the final working .sbs files for your reference, as well as a starting scene file for Maya and V-Ray.

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop

定格动画风格材质制作教程 – Creating Stopmotion Felt in Substance 3D Designer - The Gnomon Workshop
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