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流体特效制作软件RealFlow全面学习教程 - Getting Started with RealFlow - Tuto

mu198924shang 发表于 2014-8-25 15:31:54 | 只看该作者
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"青春不下线、 发表于 2014-8-6 14:22:50 | 只看该作者
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329225579 发表于 2014-8-5 09:36:41 | 只看该作者
正准备研究RealFlow 谢谢楼主
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過_lú 发表于 2014-8-5 02:17:43 | 只看该作者
正准备研究RealFlow 谢谢楼主
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qq42538973 发表于 2014-8-5 00:59:27 | 只看该作者
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chris2010 发表于 2014-8-4 23:59:23 | 只看该作者
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luxuan7980 发表于 2014-8-2 23:59:49 | 只看该作者
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duduq 发表于 2014-8-2 17:17:20 | 只看该作者
好教程齐分享 啊哈哈
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huaminha 发表于 2014-8-2 15:04:33 | 只看该作者
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曲永科 发表于 2014-8-2 14:22:11 | 只看该作者
很强大的教程   向楼主致敬
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sangelfan 发表于 2014-8-1 18:35:53 | 只看该作者
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157460206 发表于 2014-7-31 08:24:21 | 只看该作者
看看 希望好下 谢谢楼主的说
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selangyuo 发表于 2014-7-31 04:27:36 | 只看该作者
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David 发表于 2014-7-31 00:21:24 | 只看该作者

教程大小:3.33 GB

This is the first comprehensive training dedicated to RealFlow! In this video tutorial, you will learn almost all functions of the software simulation fluids NextLimit. This course focuses Realflow first for beginners, those who have always dreamed of making fluid simulation without ever daring! However, users of previous versions will find this training explanations of the latest features of RealFlow but also the opportunity to know some functions that can not be had ever used.

Program this tutorial RealFlow:
The first part allows you to discover the interface and preferences. You then learn how to create your first simulations using particle emitters and Daemons (effectors).

Once made ​​this introduction, you will enter a little deeper into the software functions such as hybridoma 2, Fracture, etc..

This training will show you the possibilities of communication with the three major 3D software market: 3ds Max, maya and Cinema 4D.

At the end of this course, you will be able to simulate fluids in small or large scale and make your reports in your favorite 3D software!

You can evaluation version of RealFlow.

Working files are not provided in full as they are larger than 1GB. If you want to go further with RealFlow, here is a tutorial animate logo with RealFlow, proposed by the same author.

01 - Introduction to formation00: 01:05
02 - Creating projet00: 05:19
03 - The interface RealFlow00: 09:04
04 - The icons interface00: 03:29
05 - Different menus RealFlow00: 10:17
06 - The préférences00: 13:53
07 - Your first simulation00: 08:28
08 - The transmitter circulaire00: 23:42
09 - Different issuers particules00: 10:47
10 - Introduction to Daemons00: 12:33
11 - Relationship Editor00: 9:07 p.m.
12 - Manage cache00: 9:41
13 - Change the scale of a scène00: 09:47
14 - The Preview OpenGL00: 04:20
15 - The preview Maxwell Render00: 24:16
16 - Creating a Particle Mesh00: 30:33
17.1-The different effectors part 100:22:09
17.2-The different effectors part 200:23:03
18 - The principles of animation in RealFlow00: 09:27
19 - Last Frame Behavior00: 05:29
20 - Use expressions00: 09:47
21 - The dynamiques00 objects: 13:39
22 - RealWave00: 15:54
23 - Fracture of objets00: 12:20
24 - Export objects from software 3D00: 13:33
25 - Export animations and objects from software 3D00: 06:12
26 - Simulation of filling a verre00: 10:28
27 - Improved simulation verre00: 11:03
28 - Re-import the simulation in a 3D externe00: 09:04
29 - Scale, and KillSpeed ​​script00: 7:46 p.m.
30 - The concept of Substeps00: 14:58
31 - Change Settings collision objets00: 10:43
32 - Use the function Wetmaps00: 07:49
33 - Introduction to Hybrido00: 9:24 p.m.
34 - The Stream function Hybrido00 issuers: 09:18
35 - Add interactions with elements in Hybrido00: 10:51
36 - Dynamic collisions Hybrido00: 06:32
37 - Splash and Foam in Hybrido00: 7:02
38 - Mesh Hybrido00: 09:27
39 - Simulating Waves and Wave with hybridoma Spectrum00: 2:33 p.m.
40 - Conclusion00: 03:50

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VFX-STUDIO 发表于 2014-7-30 20:41:20 | 只看该作者
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