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使用C4D运动图形制作体育开场片头 - MoGraph Effectors to Create a Sports Opener

admin 发表于 2014-9-13 16:43:24 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
模块: 合成 
软件: Cinema 4D After Effects Cinema 4D After Effects 
讲解: 英文+无字幕
播放时长: 6小时 14分钟
版权: 本资源来自互联网,仅供学习交流
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使用运动图形制作体育开场片头 - Using MoGraph Effectors to Create a Sports Opener in CINEMA 4D - Digital Tutors

使用软件:CINEMA 4D R15、After Effects CC 2014
播放时长:6小时 14分钟
教程大小:3.59 GB

在本系列教程中,我们将学习的过程,从开始到CINEMA 4D创建一个运动的揭幕战,利用强大的运动图形工具集,它的动画和合成拍摄在After Effects中完成。
In this series of tutorials, we will learn the process from start to finish of creating a sports opener in CINEMA 4D, animating it using the powerful MoGraph toolset, and compositing the shot in After Effects.

我们首先建立在CINEMA 4D的一套从头,我们通过使用运动图形的节省了大量的时间这样的方式。这也节省了时间,在能够快速动画我们的碎片。我们增加更多的模型,有助于使这块倍感定制。
We begin by building the set from scratch in CINEMA 4D in such a way that we save a lot of time through the use of MoGraph. This also saves time in being able to quickly animate our pieces. We add more models that help to make the piece feel more customized.

After adding the textures we move onto the lighting process where we learn a few tricks for lighting a scene well without making your render take much longer than it needs to.

呈现在CINEMA 4D之后,我们进入后的影响,我们使用CINEWARE提取我们的CINEMA 4D的占位符,灯光和摄像机。然后,我们可以很容易地继续合成过程。我们拍摄完成后用逼真的画面,镜头眩光,和其他镜头效果。在课程结束时,您将学习如何开始什么也没有,用全面完成3D动态图像块,你可以自豪的下场!
After rendering in CINEMA 4D, we move into After Effects where we use CINEWARE to extract our CINEMA 4D placeholders, lights, and camera. We can then easily continue the compositing process. Our shot is completed with realistic looking screens, lens flares, and other lens effects. By the end of the course, you'll learn how to start with nothing and end with a fully completed 3D motion graphics piece you can be proud of!

01. Introduction and project overview
02. Creating the wood panels for the background
03. Using MoGraph to place and randomize the panels
04. Modeling the basic box shelves
05. Using MoGraph to place and randomize the shelving
06. Further building out the set with more shelving
07. Using MoText for buzzwords
08. Adding the planes for screens
09. Placing the models
10. Placing the rest of the models
11. Creating the foam finger
12. Extruding and sweeping the pennant
13. Creating and animating the camera
14. Smoothing the camera's F-curves
15. Creating movement for the panels with a Random Effector
16. Animating the nested shelves
17. Animating the other shelves by combining Step and Random Effectors
18. Animating the Sweep of the foam fingers
19. Animating the entrance of the screens
20. Animating the entrance of the footballs
21. Creating an entrance for the basketball
22. Animating the entrance of the stopwatch and second soccer ball
23. Animating the pennant entrance with the camera
24. Bringing in the helmets
25. Animating the MoText
26. Finishing the MoText animations
27. Creating and applying various wood textures
28. Applying textures to the basketball, football, and stopwatch
29. Applying materials to the soccer ball and helmets
30. Finishing the materials
31. Creating the sky
32. Lighting the shot
33. Creating reflection planes
34. Adding Display Tags to certain objects
35. Creating placeholders for CINEWARE
36. Creating an object buffer for the screens
37. Managing shadows
38. Baking the camera
39. Render testing
40. Setting off the render
41. Importing to After Effects and using CINEWARE to extract placeholders
42. Placing precomposed footage with the screens
43. Using the screens reflections with the object buffer and a blending mode
44. Retiming and creating an animation for the clip entrance
45. Finishing the clip entrance animations
46. Creating the first lens flare
47. Keying the lens flares
48. Adding astigmatism, chromatic aberration and a vignette


1.85 KB, 下载次数: 71, 下载积分: 梦币 -1 金钱

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