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城市建筑被摧毁影视特效镜头全流程视频教程 - FX Term 1 - Century City Building

cgfile 发表于 2017-2-21 23:28:18 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
模块: 特效 
软件: 3ds Max 
讲解: 英文+无字幕
播放时长: 18小时
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本帖最后由 cgfile 于 2017-2-21 23:31 编辑

城市建筑被摧毁影视特效镜头全流程视频教程 - FX Term 1 - Century City Building Destruction - Allan McKay

在我们深入到镜头序列之前 - 我们的重点将是在许多FX的工作,许多镜头和学习通过出现的独特挑战。我们的第一个任期的目标是在最后一个独奏或一次性的跳跃。这将让我们有机会集中我们的注意力和精力的过程,并走过一个真正的电影制片厂管道。
Before we dive into sequences of shots - where our focus will be in working on many FX for many shots and learning through the unique challenges that arise. Our goal of the first term is to jump in the deep end on a solo shot or a 'one off'. This will give us the chance to focus all of our attention and energy on the process and walking through a real film studio pipeline.

Initially walking through the pre-production phase we're able to learn many critical lessons on how to approach a visual effects shot 'the right way'. Planning and discussing what's involved and communicating our plan before we take action. From initial 'hand over' of our shot and then beginning to block out our shot in phases before we get involved too heavily in creating all of the elements.

当我们开始创建效果时,我们首先创建我们的破坏并锁定外观。学习创建一个坚实的工作流程,创建我们的销毁动力学,并将其集成到我们的基本照明和阴影的拍摄。我们的第一次审查是在我们最初建立我们的第一个破坏之后 - 我们然后审查这个,并决定什么领域需要修订 - 一个非常关键的时刻是,我们然后审查我们的镜头,开始解决问题,修改任何问题在我们最终确定动画之前进行模拟,并导出用于最终渲染的一切的Alembic缓存。
As we dive into creating the effects, we first initially create our destruction and lock the look. Learning to create a solid workflow for creating our destruction dynamics and integrating it into our shot with basic lighting and shading. Our first review is after we initially build our first pass of the destruction - we then review this and decide on what areas need revisions - A really critical moment is where we then review our shot and begin to problem solve issues and revise any issues with our simulation before we finalize the animation, and export Alembic caches of everything for use in final rendering.

Once our dynamic simulation is approved and 'published' we move onto creating all of our effects which are driven from the base simulation we built. Initially focusing on geometry simulations we create many additional effects elements from sparks and embers, to additional secondary glass impacts, debris as well as dense clouds of dirt spilling out of the building as areas collapse. Each of these elements is also published and baked out to Alembic caches so they are final, and also require no further calculations.

After which we create many of our atmospheric effects, from various levels of dust, fire, explosions, shooters, smoke, smoke columns, flame bursts and internal large scale fire inside of the building, and dozens of other layers.

Meanwhile we have many intermediate implementations of our elements into composite inside of Nuke, which allow for us to see our shot progress and understand how it will all be integrated together. Finally once all of our elements are built, we begin to balance our renders out, focusing on the lighting and shading and adjusting layers until we have a perfect balance of all of our effects elements. We're then able to begin to build up our scene states for render pass creation and take our final render passes into comp.

Not only do we focus on heavy treatment in comp of our elements, as well as many tricks to integrate our elements seamlessly into the shot, and adding additional reflections and many other steps. But we're able to review our shot as a whole and what additional elements we wish to create. Here is where we're able to go into 3D one final time to make any final adjustments, as well as to create 'contact maps' of any debris hitting the sides of the buildings, as well as burn maps for our pyro elements to burn and mark up the building areas around it, and interactive lighting passes to get our fire to illuminate and light our shot as well.

All of this is performed over a fairly lengthy time, our first time is one where we focus on doing a majority of heavy duty work, but our focus is on making one visual effects shot completely amazing and taking it through to final. Understanding every step of the way and learning many of the steps involved in revising our effects as we move through the process. The final look is that of a high quality.

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jianzemin 发表于 2020-6-13 18:37:05 | 只看该作者
谢谢牛人 学习学习一下
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心海de 发表于 2019-12-13 20:00:23 | 只看该作者
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smith1994 发表于 2019-11-10 11:59:22 | 只看该作者
影视动画视频教程] 动画短片制作流程教程
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司徒宫羽 发表于 2019-8-5 14:57:02 | 只看该作者
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dancingmeteor 发表于 2019-1-24 06:14:23 | 只看该作者
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guiwang187 发表于 2018-12-28 08:55:45 | 只看该作者
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junandshana 发表于 2018-11-14 18:05:23 | 只看该作者
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