3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation

cgdream 发表于 2021-12-24 11:19:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
模块: 建模 材质 贴图 灯光 渲染 
软件: 3ds Max 
讲解: 英文+无字幕
播放时长: 12小时28分钟
版权: 本资源来自互联网,仅供学习交流
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3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist


您将学习如何使用两种渲染引擎——Corona Renderer 和 V-Ray for 3ds max 创建高级可视化。 在一门课程中,您将学习世界各地建筑可视化工作室中使用的两种最流行的渲染器,以便您为不同的场景做好准备。
You’ll learn how to create advanced visualizations using both render engines – Corona Renderer and V-Ray for 3ds max. During one course, you will learn two most popular renderers that are used in architectural visualization studios around the world so you will be prepared for different scenarios.

适用于 3DS MAX、Corona & V-Ray Renderer 和 Photoshop 的最佳在线高级视频课程。
The best online advanced video course for 3DS MAX, Corona & V-Ray Renderer, and Photoshop.

There is a moment in the artists’ career when they feel that they are good at the craft but they still would like to achieve more… to create better, more engaging, hyper-realistic visualizations that will be admired by others in the field.

这种感觉是愿意不断学习和持续改进的标志。 成长和展开翅膀的内在渴望,每天都变得越来越好。
This feeling is a sign of the willingness to constantly learning and persistent improvement. The inner desire to grow and to spread the wings, to be better and better every single day.

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

3ds Max + Corona室外建筑场景效果图渲染教程 – Advanced Exterior Vizualisation - ArchVizArtist

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参与人数 1梦盾 +2 收起 理由
mygameplay + 2 神马都是浮云


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muxunyi513915 发表于 2023-9-3 10:23:29 | 显示全部楼层
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欧夏 发表于 2023-5-21 09:45:41 | 显示全部楼层
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DP4587 发表于 2023-5-21 09:15:50 | 显示全部楼层
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powersrx 发表于 2023-5-21 06:01:14 | 显示全部楼层
非常不错的素材 谢谢楼主分享 非常感谢
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vanzr 发表于 2023-5-21 00:01:55 | 显示全部楼层
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muxunyi513915 发表于 2022-9-25 11:01:52 | 显示全部楼层
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Panda520 发表于 2022-6-30 22:03:11 | 显示全部楼层
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wd5731 发表于 2022-5-25 09:43:51 | 显示全部楼层
很不错的教程 谢谢楼主分享
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1346 发表于 2022-4-24 11:37:33 | 显示全部楼层
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雪漫青松 发表于 2022-2-7 11:45:59 | 显示全部楼层
很不错的教程 谢谢楼主分享
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