Blender从草图到三维模型卡哇伊的角色设计教程 - Kawaii Character Creation In 3D With Blender - Domesti ...
首先了解 Yasmini,因为她谈到了她作为动画师和角色设计师的职业生涯。 她还分享了她最具代表性的作品以及她的主要影响。
Start by getting to know Yasmini as she talks about her career as an animator and character designer. She also shares her most defining works as well as her main influences.
仔细看看究竟是什么让角色卡哇伊。 接下来,开始在情绪板上工作,收集所有能够为您带来灵感的参考材料,然后再在纸上绘制您的第一个建模草图。
Take a closer look at exactly what makes a character kawaii. Next, get to work on a mood board, gathering all the reference materials that bring you inspiration before doing your first modeling sketches on paper.
现在是时候深入研究 Blender 并在三个维度上将您的角色设计变为现实! 在解释了界面的不同部分以及如何导航它们之后,Yasmini 向您展示了如何添加和操作 3D 对象。
Now it's time to delve into Blender and bring your character design to life in three dimensions! After explaining the different parts of the interface and how to navigate them, Yasmini shows you how to add and manipulate 3D objects.
完成课程制作相机动画以真正展现角色的 3D 特性。 还可以学习一些有用的渲染效果,以确保您的作品在人群中脱颖而出!
Finish off the course doing a camera animation to really bring out your character's 3D nature. Also learn some useful render effects to make doubly sure your creation stands out from the crowd!
Blender从草图到三维模型卡哇伊的角色设计教程 - Kawaii Character Creation In 3D With Blender - Domesti ...
Blender从草图到三维模型卡哇伊的角色设计教程 - Kawaii Character Creation In 3D With Blender - Domesti ...
Blender从草图到三维模型卡哇伊的角色设计教程 - Kawaii Character Creation In 3D With Blender - Domesti ...
Blender从草图到三维模型卡哇伊的角色设计教程 - Kawaii Character Creation In 3D With Blender - Domesti ...
Blender从草图到三维模型卡哇伊的角色设计教程 - Kawaii Character Creation In 3D With Blender - Domesti ...
Blender从草图到三维模型卡哇伊的角色设计教程 - Kawaii Character Creation In 3D With Blender - Domesti ...
Blender从草图到三维模型卡哇伊的角色设计教程 - Kawaii Character Creation In 3D With Blender - Domesti ...