Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
跟随视觉特效主管 Simon Littlejohn 使用 Houdini 和 Nuke 创建一系列效果,从碎骨的卷须到黏糊糊的触手攻击。西蒙以创作完整镜头的方式接近工作室,从头到尾展示了他的过程和技术。
Follow along as FX Supervisor, Simon Littlejohn, creates a series of effects using Houdini and Nuke, from bone-crushing tendrils to a slimy tentacle attack. Simon approaches the workshop as the creation of a complete shot, from start to finish, revealing his processes and techniques along the way.
凭借十多年的行业经验,Simon 介绍了他使用 for 循环以程序方式生成曲线的久经考验的方法,并展示了如何使用简单而强大的 VEX 将这些曲线附加到任何动画角色。从那里,他指导如何随着时间的推移以视觉上有趣的图案“增长”这些曲线,并最终从中创建高保真 3D 几何图形。本工作坊中的第二种技术详细介绍了如何在卷须占据角色身体时创建一条粘液痕迹。 Simon 分享了如何在不需要 FLIP 模拟的情况下创建这种高度可控的效果,这种模拟通常成本高昂且不可预测。
With over a decade of industry experience, Simon walks through his tried-and-trusted methods for procedurally generating curves using for-loops, and shows how to attach those curves to any animated character using simple yet powerful VEX. From there, he instructs how to “grow” those curves over time in visually interesting patterns, and ultimately create high-fidelity 3D geometry from them. The second technique in this workshop details how to create a slime trail left behind as the tendrils take over the character’s body. Simon shares how to create this highly controllable effect without the need for FLIP simulation, which can often be expensive and unpredictable.
以下效果侧重于从角色的身体上射出蹼状卷须并将它们连接到他周围的环境中。 Simon 解释了如何使用简单的 VEX 创建约束,并通过牛皮纸模拟运行动画曲线以帮助实现效果的真实感。此外,您还将了解如何创建跟随曲线动画的高度详细的织带图案。对于最终效果,Simon 重新审视了所有涉及的技术,创造出一条从角色的手中爆发出来的触手,直接射向镜头。
The following effect focuses on shooting webbed tendrils from the character’s body and attaching them to his surrounding environment. Simon explains how to create constraints using simple VEX, and run animated curves through a vellum simulation to aid in the realism of the effect. Additionally, you will discover how to create highly detailed webbing patterns that follow the animation of your curves. For the final effect, Simon revisits all the techniques covered to create a tentacle that bursts from the character's hand, firing directly into the camera.
本次研讨会展示的每种效果都具有很强的适应性,并且可以根据各种需求进行重新调整。在教程的最后一部分,Simon 讨论了如何着色和渲染效果,并提供了他的最终想法以及对最终渲染的评论。
Each effect demonstrated in this workshop is highly adaptable, and can be repurposed for a wide variety of needs. In the final segment of the tutorial, Simon discusses how to shade and render the effects, and offers his final thoughts as well as a review of the final render.
本次研讨会提供的可下载资源包括 Houdini 项目和角色文件。
The downloadable resources provided with this workshop include the Houdini project and character files.
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon
Houdini制作电影视觉特效镜头教程 – Creating an FX Production Shot in Houdini (2022) - Gnomon