Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
在 Alasgar Hasanov 的 FX 工作室的第 2 卷中,事情变得爆炸性的。了解如何利用 Houdini 18.5 中快速高效的工具来创建与真实世界参考相匹配的带有浓烟的大规模火灾,并掌握自己的逼真爆炸。在我们的两部分系列的最后一卷中还包含有关照明和渲染 pyro FX 镜头的有用提示和技巧。
In Volume 2 of Alasgar Hasanov’s FX workshop, things get explosive. Learn how to leverage the fast and efficient tools in Houdini 18.5 to create a large-scale fire with thick smoke that matches a real-world reference, plus master your own realistic explosions. Helpful tips and tricks for lighting and rendering your pyro FX shots are also included in this final volume of our two-part series.
Alasgar Hasanov 是一位高级 FX 艺术家,拥有超过 6 年与 Houdini 合作的经验。基于第 1 卷中教授的知识,本深入概述涵盖了 Houdini 18.5 中用于爆炸的新 Pyro Source 节点,包括 Pyro Burst Source 和 Pyro Trail Source,并展示了如何创建不同类型的爆炸以及如何使用 Pyro Shader 以及一些高效的 pyro 渲染工作流程。
Alasgar Hasanov is a Senior FX Artist with over 6 years of experience working with Houdini. Building upon the knowledge taught in Volume 1, this in-depth overview covers the new Pyro Source nodes in Houdini 18.5 used for explosions, including Pyro Burst Source and Pyro Trail Source, and shows how to create different types of explosions as well as how to use the Pyro Shader along with some efficient pyro-rendering workflows.
研讨会以一些有效的 pyro 照明和渲染技术结束,分享如何对各种 pyro 模拟进行着色、照明和渲染。 Alasgar 包括如何使用交互式照明以及他的一些久经考验的高级着色方法。
The workshop concludes with some effective pyro lighting and rendering techniques, sharing how to shade, light, and render a variety of pyro simulations. Alasgar includes how to use interactive lighting as well as some of his tried-and-trusted advanced shading methods.
有关创建烟雾和小规模火灾模拟的介绍,请观看Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini: Volume 1。
For an introduction to creating smoke and small-scale fire simulations, watch Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini: Volume 1.
Included with this workshop are the Houdini project files for each chapter.
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon
Houdini制作爆炸特效教程 - Introduction to Pyro FX in Houdini - Volume 2 - Gnomon