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建模 |
软件: |
Maya Substance Designer |
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英文+无字幕 |
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6小时58分钟 |
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本资源来自互联网,仅供学习交流 |
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Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
学习各种专业技术和方法,使用无损和适应性强的工作流程,在Substance Painter中创建优化、精确、通用的3D建筑模型,并使用智能材料对其进行纹理处理。虽然本教程主要面向中级VFX艺术家,但所有级别和学科的艺术家都会喜欢学习所展示的高效新工作流程。
Learn various professional techniques and approaches to create an optimized, precise, versatile 3D building model and texture it with smart materials in Substance Painter using non-destructive and adaptable workflows. While this tutorial is mainly oriented at intermediate VFX artists, artists of all levels and disciplines will enjoy learning the efficient new workflows demonstrated.
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
在这个由德米特里·克雷米扬斯基(Dmitry Kremiansky)主持的7小时研讨会上,他借鉴了在顶级工作室工作的8年多行业经验,指导如何创建高度优化、精确和通用的模型。由于他的技术是通用的,无论您是Maya用户还是使用其他3D软件,本研讨会中分享的知识都可以转移到3ds Max和Blender,最终目的是帮助您提高输出质量。
In this 7-hour workshop by Dmitry Kremiansky, he pulls from his 8-plus years of experience in the industry working at top studios to instruct how to create highly optimized, precise, and versatile models. Since his techniques are universal, whether you're a Maya user or work with other 3D software, the knowledge shared in this workshop is transferable to 3ds Max and Blender and is ultimately intended to help you boost the quality of your output.
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
本次研讨会的一个重点是使用锚点、手动通道和UDIMS在Substance Painter中创建真正的“智能材料”。Dmitry还展示了如何使用非破坏性和高度适应性的工作流程,以多个增量创建纹理,从而实现跨部门的更好沟通。
One focus of this workshop is creating truly "smart materials" in Substance Painter using anchor points, manual channels, and UDIMS. Dmitry also shows how to create textures in multiple increments that allow better communication across departments, using non-destructive and highly adaptable workflows.
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
Maya和Substance欧式建筑建模教程 – Creating a High-Fidelity Hero Building - The Gnomon Workshop
While this tutorial is created using VFX and cinematics workflows — therefore mainly targeting intermediate generalists and environment artists working on buildings and man-made structures — the techniques shared will be useful whether you’re working in visual effects or games. The goal is for all artists working in concept, modeling, look dev, and lighting to benefit from this workshop and learn new robust modeling, UV, and texturing workflows, plus develop healthy practices to create detailed hero assets in a studio pipeline. |