Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic

cgdream 发表于 2024-4-11 10:12:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
模块: 建模 材质 贴图 灯光 渲染 
软件: Maya Redshift 
讲解: 英文+无字幕
播放时长: 3小时20分钟
版权: 本资源来自互联网,仅供学习交流
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Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon Workshop

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

提取码: xu6r

通过在DAZ 3D里添加一些免费模型或者三维资源库预设,来360度全面遮挡和搭建场景环境,最后在Maya里用Redshift渲染输出。

当时间至关重要,而你的任务是展示具有挑战性的场景时,有一些工具和技术可以显著加快你的工作流程。在这个3.5小时的研讨会上,艺术总监兼哑光画家Nick Hiatt介绍了如何使用DAZ 3D的免费模型和资产库来屏蔽环境,从而快速讲述故事。Nick的课程讲述了在Maya中高效布局场景、在Redshift中渲染以及最终在Photoshop中完成和创建360度图像的过程。
When time is of the essence, and you’re tasked with illustrating challenging scenes, there are tools and techniques that can dramatically speed up your workflow. In this 3.5-hour workshop, art director and matte painter Nick Hiatt introduces how DAZ 3D’s free models and asset libraries can be used to block out environments to quickly tell a story. Nick’s lessons talk through the process of efficiently laying out scenes in Maya, rendering in Redshift, and eventually finalizing and creating 360-degree images in Photoshop.

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon ...

Maya三维场景模型插图教程 – 3D and 2D Techniques for 360 degree Panoramic Illustration - The Gnomon  ...
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