Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate

cgdream 发表于 2024-3-20 20:26:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
分类: 概念设计
讲解: 英文+无字幕
源文件: 包含
播放时长: 2小时
版权: 本资源来自互联网,仅供学习交流
下载链接: 点击查看 【注意:先查看链接是否有效,有效再购买密码;失效请加微信:284487540申请更新】


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Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

提取码: yuc8

在这个“创造”研讨会上,学生们将在Illustrator和角色设计师Rafael Sarmento的指导下,完成在iPad上创造一个独特、引人注目的角色所需的一切。订阅用户将了解如何最好地使用“生育”工具,以科幻和奇幻参考点为起点,勾勒出角色的想法。
In this Procreate workshop, students will be guided through all they need to create a unique, compelling character on the iPad, taught by Illustrator and Character Designer Rafael Sarmento. Subscribers will find out how best to use Procreate tools to sketch down character ideations, using a blend of sci-fi and fantasy reference points as a starting point.

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

This tutorial covers how to bring personality to a character, how to build unique character costumes, tips on powerful composition, and the best ways to use tone and color to create impact in an illustration. Throughout, students will be provided with the imaginative and technical tools to accomplish their own unique iPad character creations.

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

在这个2小时的工作坊中,Rafael将详细介绍他的一项个人技巧:Liquify Extravaganza。它使用Procreate中的Liquify工具,允许艺术家创建许多纹理、视觉工件和故意的事故,然后他用这些来将特定的形状和形式“雕刻”到插图中。这项技术将极大地帮助学生进行自己的探索。
Within this 2-hour workshop, Rafael will detail one of his personal techniques: Liquify Extravaganza. It uses the Liquify tool in Procreate to allow artists to create many textures, visual artifacts, and intentional accidents, which he then uses to “sculpt” specific shapes and forms into the illustration. This technique will greatly help students with their own explorations.

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

本教程针对所有能力水平量身定制,作为Gnomon Workshop的第一个iPad教程,它首先对Procreate软件和贯穿始终的关键工具进行了清晰的分解。Rafael关于创造力的主观想法将吸引所有创意人士,从初学者到专业人士,并将通过技术示例进行彻底剖析。订阅用户可以在自己的工作流程中应用所讨论的所有原则,并在其特定的创造性声音的推动下实现自己独特的结果。
This tutorial is tailored to all ability levels, and as The Gnomon Workshop’s first iPad tutorial, it starts with a clear breakdown of the Procreate software and the key tools that are used throughout. Rafael’s subjective ideas on creativity will appeal to all creatives, from beginners to professionals, and will be thoroughly dissected through technical examples. Subscribers can apply all of the principles discussed within their own working processes and achieve their own distinct results fueled by their particular creative voices.

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

Procreate概念场景绘画教程 – Creating Fantasy Illustrations With Procreate - The Gnomon Workshop

本次研讨会包括高分辨率PSD插图作为项目文件,以进一步了解拉斐尔的绘画过程。Rafael的生殖刷“Sketchy Sarmento”也作为可下载资源提供。
Included with this workshop is the high-res PSD illustration as a project file to provide further insight into Rafael’s painting process. Rafael’s Procreate Brush, “Sketchy Sarmento,” is also included as a downloadable resource.
lasttsal 发表于 2024-12-7 23:02:09 | 显示全部楼层
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