创意角色设计教程 - Creative Character Design For Products By Rob Flowers - Domestika
伦敦插画家和角色设计师 Rob Flowers 将他对不同寻常的玩具、复古动作人物和迷幻色彩的热爱转化为屡获殊荣的插图。 您准备好踏上色彩缤纷的角色设计冒险之旅了吗?
London-based illustrator and character designer Rob Flowers channels his love of unusual toys, vintage action figures, and psychedelic colors into award-winning illustrations. Are you ready to embark on a colorful character design adventure where there is never a dull pixel or drop of ink?
在本课程中,与 Rob 合作开发一套角色设计,用于传达想法和情感,用于从贴纸到 T 恤再到印刷品的各种产品。
In this course, work with Rob to develop a set of character designs that communicate ideas and emotions to be used on products ranging from stickers to t-shirts to prints.