Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
了解您需要了解的一切,以便开始在 Maya 中进行建模!学习基本的建模工具,如何为 SubD 建模,主拓扑,使用扫描网格,垂直重新排序,使用变形器,我们只是在摸索表面!
Learn everything you need to know in order to get started with modeling in Maya! Learn the basic modeling tools, how to model for SubD, master topology, using sweep mesh, vert re-ordering, using deformers, and we’re simply scratching the surface!
您的讲师 Henning Sanden 在 Maya 工作了十年。在他的电影经历中,他与玛雅合作过电影,如异形契约、加勒比海盗、毒液、环太平洋:起义、蝙蝠侠 V 超人——等等!本系列中展示的技术基于他的电影生涯。
Your instructor, Henning Sanden, has worked in Maya for a decade. During his film experience, he’s worked with Maya on movies such as Alien Covenant, Pirates of the Caribbean, Venom, Pacific Rim: Uprising, Batman V Superman – and many more! The techniques shown in this series are based on his career in film.
我们认为了解这些工具的工作原理以及如何实际使用它们都很重要。古董相机项目是一个 3 小时长的实时系列,您可以轻松跟进。您将学习构建高质量古董相机的行业标准技术,结合您在课程中学到的所有知识。
We believe it’s important to learn both how the tools work and also how to actually practically use them. The antique camera project is a 3 hour long real-time series where you can easily follow along. You’ll learn industry-standard techniques for building a high-quality antique camera, combining everything you’ve learnt in the course.
Maya 建模简介是适合初学者的完美系列!如果您有兴趣在 Maya 中学习建模,那么这个系列适合您。尽管我们建议您了解完整的基础知识,例如如何导航,但不需要 Maya 中的建模知识。
Introduction to Modeling in Maya is the perfect series for beginners! If you’re interested in learning modeling in Maya, this is the series for you. No modeling knowledge in Maya is required though we recommend that you know the complete basics, such as how to navigate.
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals
Maya建模技巧教程 - Introduction to Modeling in Maya - FlippedNormals