Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Adrian Vallecilla的5小时研讨会详细介绍了将hero资产集成到具有真实照片效果的背板中的完整工作流程。Adrien使用视觉效果制作中的经典技术,展示了如何使用Maya将火车的3D扫描转化为可制作的资源,并在演示过程中讨论了重要的硬表面建模理论。纹理部分包括如何从3D扫描中清理纹理,并使用Mari将其投影回干净的3D资产上,这是一种标准做法,可确保CG资产在VFX制作中可用。
Adrian Vallecilla’s 5-hour workshop details a complete workflow for integrating hero assets into backplates with photorealistic results. Using a classic technique in visual effects production, Adrien reveals how to transform a 3D scan of a train into a production-ready asset using Maya, discussing the important hard-surface modeling theories while demonstrating the process. The texturing portion includes how to clean up textures from the 3D scan and project them back onto a clean 3D asset using Mari — a standard practice that ensures the CG asset is usable in VFX production.
回到Maya中,look dev、照明和渲染是使用V-Ray处理的。Adrien讨论了将板的照明与集成的3D资源相匹配以获得真实效果的重要性,并演示了如何重新创建正确的照明场景。使用Maya的渲染设置工具,Adrien演示了如何导出Nuke中专业合成所需的所有必要照明过程。除了详述过程外,他还讨论了使用Nuke创建真实CG集成时需要注意的事项。
Back in Maya, the look-dev, lighting, and rendering is handled with V-Ray. Adrien discusses the importance of matching the lighting of the plate with the 3D asset being integrated for truly realistic results and demonstrates how to recreate the correct lighting scenario. Using Maya's render setup tools, Adrien shows how to export all the necessary lighting passes required for professional compositing in Nuke. As well as detailing the process, he also discusses what to look out for when creating realistic CG integrations using Nuke.
本研讨会提供了Adrien的低分辨率环境模型和用于拍摄的相机(Maya的.mb文件),您可以下载并使用自己的资源。HDRI Haven提供的HDR图像和背板也包含在其免费系列中。
Provided with this workshop is Adrien’s low-res model of the environment and camera (.mb file for Maya) used for the shot, which you can download and use with your own assets. An HDR image and backplate courtesy of HDRI Haven is also included from their free collection.
Be sure to check out Adrien’s other workshops detailing Exterior Scene Development and Creating a Photoreal Interior.
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon
Maya Mari三维模型扫描集成技术教程 - 3d Scan Integration Techniques - Gnomon