ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
通过现场解说,了解如何使用电影业经过生产验证的技术来雕刻兽人。 这里使用的方法可用于雕刻任何生物,并且可以真正作为您未来所有雕刻的基础。 如果您在开始雕刻时遇到问题,那么这个系列非常适合您。
Learn how to sculpt an orc using production-proven techniques from the film industry, with live commentary. The methods used here can be used to sculpt any creature and can really serve as a foundation for all your future sculpts. If you’ve had issues with getting started with sculpting, this series is perfect for you.
雕刻时已将雕刻保存为 Ztools,因此您可以轻松打开文件并在视频中完成的工作之上工作。 还包括带有时间轴的 ZBrush 项目——因此您可以轻松地擦洗所有雕刻。
The sculpt has been saved out while sculpting as Ztools, so you can easily open up the files and work on top of what’s been done in the video. The ZBrush Project with the Timeline is also included – so you can easily scrub through all the sculpting.
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals
ZBrush雕刻概念兽人半身像模型教程 - Concept Sculpting an Orc Bust - FlippedNormals